

    Pick a Nice Room! | 挑個(gè)好房間!

    中共湖南省委外事工作委員會(huì )辦公室  時(shí)間:2021-01-14 10:01

        Hotels 酒店




        1. Welcome to ... hotel!


        2. How can I help you?


        3. We are sorry for all these troubles.


        Dialogue 情景對話(huà)

        James and Jerry were from the United States and they came to visit Changsha. They arrived at the hotel they booked in advance.


        Xiaozhang (receptionist): Good morning! Welcome to our hotel!


        James: Good morning! We’d like to check in, please. We’ve got a reservation under the name of James Williams.


        Xiaozhang: Just a second. Your passports, please.


        Jerry: Here you are.


        Xiaozhang: Thank you. You have booked a twin room for 5 days, right?

        小張:謝謝。您預定了一個(gè) 5 天的雙人間,對嗎?

        James: Yes.


        Xiaozhang: That would be 1800 RMB in total, including the 200 RMB deposit. Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card?

        小張:那么總共是 1800 元,包括 200 元的押金。您想怎么支付呢,現金還是信用卡?

        Jerry: Credit card, please. Here you are.


        Xiaozhang: Thank you. Please enter your password here. And sign your name here, please.


        Jerry: OK.


        Xiaozhang: Here are your passports, credit card and room key. Your room is 8603 on the sixth floor.

        小張:這是您的護照、信用卡和房卡。房間是 8603,在六樓。

        James: By the way, when is the breakfast?


        Xiaozhang: From 7:30 to 9:30 in the morning. You can go down to the second floor and enter the dining hall with your room key.

        小張:早餐供應時(shí)間是早上 7:30 到 9:30。您可以到二樓,然后憑房卡進(jìn)餐廳。

        Jerry: Thank you. What about other facilities in the hotel?


        Xiaozhang: There are meeting rooms on the ground floor. Gym, swimming pool, bar and business center are on the second floor. You can refer to this handbook. It will also tell you something about Changsha.

        小張:我們的會(huì )議室是在一樓。健身房、游泳池、酒吧和商務(wù)中心都在二樓。您可以參考一下這本手冊,里面還有一些關(guān)于長(cháng)沙的介紹。

        James: Thank you so much.


        Xiaozhang: My pleasure. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. Have a nice day.


        James&Jerry: Thank you.


    1月3日,長(cháng)沙市天心區太平街,游客摩肩接踵,人氣火爆。 湖南日報記者 李健 攝 


        receptionist [r??sep??n?st] n. 接待員

        check in 辦理入住

        reservation [?rez??ve??n] n. 預訂

        passport [?p?s?p??rt] n. 護照

        twin room 雙人房

        deposit [d??p?z?t] n. 押金

        cash [k??] n. 現金

        credit card 信用卡

        password [?p?sw??d] n. 密碼

        breakfast [?brekf?st] n. 早餐

        facility [f??s?l?t?] n. 設施

        gym [d??m] n. 健身房

        swimming pool 游泳池

        business center 商務(wù)中心


    Pick a Nice Room! | 挑個(gè)好房間!
